Your Trusted Cleaning Contractors
in Nepean
When was the last time your upholstered furniture was cleaned? If you can’t remember, it’s time to visit the pros at Chem-Dry Imperial, your trusted carpet cleaning contractors in Nepean!

Why Should I Have My Upholstered Furniture Professionally Cleaned?
Deep cleaning can remove up to 98% of allergens present in the air we breathe inside our homes, lurking in our upholstery and carpeting.
Chem-Dry retained an independent research lab to test its Hot Carbonating Extraction (HCE) process of cleaning. The results showed that an average of 99.1% of the common household allergens had been removed from the upholstery. The lab also found that when the HCE process was administered along with a cleaning substance, 89% of germs from the home was reduced.
What Are The Benefits of Upholstery Cleaning?
Upholstery cleaning can also extend the life and use of your upholstered furniture. A stained, discoloured, sad looking sofa is not very appealing to lounge on, but a light, bright, tufted loveseat is the opposite.
Upholstery cleaned using Chem-Dry’s patented method dries within minutes of being cleaned.

Why Work With Us?
Chem-Dry Imperial uses all-natural, non-toxic chemicals; the company is very green and conscious of its impact on the environment. Nothing used during the cleaning process poses any sort of threat to children or pets.
Our technicians are friendly and knowledgeable and will answer any questions you may have during the cleaning process. Give us a call to set up an appointment today. The technicians at Chem-Dry are standing by and ready to help you get your home looking fantastic.
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Our Healthy Home Services
We make your carpets like new again without harsh chemicals.
Our signature process cleans, refreshes & protects your furniture.
Our professionals will make sure your mattress is clean, healthy and smelling fresh
Our patented Hot Carbonated Extraction (HCE) process is the safest and most effective for your fine rugs
P.U.R.T. contacts the source of the odor and immediately begins a chemical reaction that destroys the pet urine odor